Qais Saud Al Zakwani
Oman Water & Wastewater Services Company
He started his career as an Economist at the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority before joining the Authority for Electricity Regulation as a Regulatory Advisor in the Office of the Executive Director in 2007. He was appointed as the Executive Director at the Authority in 2014 and during his professional career, Qais assumed direct responsibility for the regulation of the electricity sector and contributed to the expansion in scope and the establishment of other regulatory institutions in Oman. He also advised the government on fuel diversity issues and the development of renewable energy projects while ensuring the electricity sector continues to operate efficiently and attract foreign investments.In 2021, Qais was appointed as the CEO of the newly merged Oman Water and Wastewater ServicesCompany(OWWSC)which is the largest utility company in Oman. The company is embarking on an ambitious plant to increase the coverage and elevate the level of water and wastewater services. Qais also sits on a number of Boards in the aviation, communication and sports sectors. Qais graduated with a Masters in Utilities Regulation from the London School of Economics and a second Masters in Major Programme Management from the Saiid Business School at the University of Oxford.